After a complete semester of Educational Psychology, I have received quite my dosage of No Child Left Behind talk. Believe it or not, I was very new to the whole concept, and didn't truly understand what it was and what it did until this class.
Initially, I was just as worried as everyone else was against it. I'd hear people only talk about it in a negative way, and that it was taking all creativity away from the teacher.
I must say, I have somewhat changed my mind on the issue. There is no reason that a teacher cannot do there job with it in place. I've realized that it's main goal is just to keep teacher's on the right track and away from wasting everyone's time.
If by being creative and enjoyable, teacher's are still teaching their students well, then there is no reason that they can not continue to be that teacher. I'm positive that the really good teachers out there, have students that are doing well on the testing.
Dasar Teori Isolasi Bakteri
4 months ago